Friday, December 11, 2015

Final Projects of 2015...

Khunum Productions is rounding out it's final projects of 2015...
it's a pleasure to be working with both the Bushwick Starr and LaMama Experimental Theatre...
let's go! 

  Winner of the 2015 Hola Award 

Written by Alex Vasquez Escano
Directed by Martin Balmaceda 
Featuring: Modesto Flako Jimenez, Mathia Vargas and Sully Bonnelly (ACE 2014 Award Winner)
The Production Team: Stage Manager-Karina Paez; Lighting Designer-Dan Kent; Technical Assistant-Kevin Torres; Supertitles-Fabian Gonzalez; Scenic Designer/Puppet/Object Design and Construction-Nehprii Amenii; Sound and Projection Design-Joshua Langman; Videographer-Bettina Hoffmann; Costume Design-José Luis Morales
Location: The Bushwick Starr theater: 207 Starr Street, Brooklyn, NY [between Irving and Wyckoff]
Tickets are $18.00 at the door and $15.00 at


HILDEGARD   (VISION), La Mama Experimental Theatre

Time out New York Critic's Pick


Created and Designed by Gian Marco Lo Forte, Abby Felder and John Sully
Directed by Gian Marco Lo Forte
Written by Abby Felder  
Composed by John Sully
Featured Performers: Marina Celander, Nehprii Amenii, Seth Gilman, Kamala Sankaram, Daniel Diaz, Tali Custer

December 3 - 20, 2015
Thursdays - Saturdays at 7:30; Sundays at 2pm

La MaMa First Floor Theater
74A East 4th Street
(between Bowery and Second Avenue)
New York, NY 10003

Tickets: $18 Adults; $13 Students/Seniors; ten $10 tickets are available for every performance as part of La MaMa's 10@$10 ticketing initiative (advance sales only)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ebon Kojo: The Last Tribe

Khunum Productions is pleased to be directing
Ebon Kojo: The Last Tribe as a part of the Charm City Fringe Festival

Sent from a dying earth, General Kojo and Ra-7 have been ordered to “recolor” the barren planet Beta-5. Upon their arrival, Ebon and Ra are confronted with unprecedented realities that transform them both.
This sci-fi tone poem draws from Scott Patterson’s incomparable talent as a pianist and composer. In this one-man show, piano, sound design, and projection are used to tell a fresh story. The Last Tribe challenges popular notions of heroism, morality, beauty and the role of art in society. Through equations of spirit and sound, Patterson weaves together a story of space exploration, environmentalism, father/son relationships and social greed.

Written, Composed and Performed by Scott Patterson
Directed by Nehprii Amenii
Lighting Design by Evan Moritz
Sound Design by Rjyan 
Poster Design by Nick Helton

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Seed Project: Extended!

All are welcome to attend the 

Re-Opening Celebration of The Seed Project!

The celebration will take place this 

Saturday   Oct 17th   7pm! 

The  exhibition will now be on view until October 31st. 
With Special Thanks to :
Artist Assistants: Christian Hambrick and Steve Chiu
Sound Design Collaborator:  Eben Mannes
Volunteers Dwight Kelly, Kamekah Falconer, and Chris Johnson
Creative Comrades Nicole Woo and Patrica Shuford
and to Brianna Lutz and Jimi Gureje for curating these ideas.  

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Seed Project: An Exhibition of Imagery, Words and Sound.

Special Thanks to :
Artist Assistants: Christian Hambrick and Steve Chiu
Sound Design Collaborator:  Eben Mannes
Volunteers Dwight Kelly, Kamekah Falconer, and Chris Johnson
Creative Commrades Nicole Woo and Patrica Shuford
and to Briana Lutz and Jimi Gureje for curating these ideas.  

Friday, September 4, 2015

Adam Szymkowicz: I Interview Playwrights Part 765: Nehprii Amenii

I Interview Playwrights Part 765: Nehprii Amenii

Hometown: Augusta Georiga
Current Town: Brooklyn Ny...

Tell me about the Women Playwrights International Conference
The Women Playwrights International Conference is an event that happens every 3 years. Each year it’s hosted in a different country, from Switzerland, Mumbai, and Philippines. This year it was held at the University of Capetown in  South Africa. Women playwrights from around the world submit scripts in hopes of begin able to share their work with an international audience. A local director  and cast are assigned to work with each script. In addition to the staged readings, there are daily keynote speakers, panel discussions, writing workshops, and evening performances.  This years conference, was scheduled to coincide with the  Grahmstown Arts Festival, which is the largest theatre festival on the African continent, so participants were really inundated with inspiration. It was an honor to share the stage with playwrights from around the world such as Talia Pura of Canada, Fatima Uygun of Scottland,  The Gurilla Girls,   Herlina Syarifuding of Indonesia,  Mumbii Kaigway of Kenya, and more…

...Tell me, if you will, a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a writer or as a person. 

Great question. Ummm… Mud pies.  I remember, I was the best at them.  My friends would make a mud pie what would last for just moments before crumbling. But mine would last for days… weeks even, and stay perfectly round and smooth. I was in Georgia, where the dirt is red. And I remember at 4 years old, trying to explain to my friends “you have to dig really deep until you get to the sticky dirt!” Well, later I realized, I had discovered clay.  (Interesting that also became my first fine arts medium.)  And, I guess, that experience is not different with my writing or who I am. I try to dig really deep down into myself… where things get pretty sticky…and honest. And from that place, I  try to pull up the dirt and turn it into something smooth, refined—beautiful..…and something that can have long lasting impact…. Hahah,  there it is. It’s  all just Mud pies!

Full Interview here

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Goal met. THANK YOU!!!

a silent nod. eyes closed. a wide smile.
hands pressed to heart.
Ladies and Gentleman:
This goal has been met.
((((((((((((((((THANK YOU ( TO THE ) ALL.))))))))))))))))))))

Friday, June 12, 2015

                                                             photo by nehprii

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Oprah's advice

"Responsibility: You are responsible for your art. You are responsible for this moment."

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Taking Food for the Gods to South Africa...

Thank you to everyone so far who has supported Getting Food for the Gods to the Women Playwrights International Conference in South Africa.  The fundraising campaign is still open.  Please click to contribute and thank you for sharing this along!

Food for the Gods is a play about Human Value inspired by the Killings of Black Men in America….written to incite CARE.  
Thank you for supporting this this work. ~nehprii 

Khunum Productions is Designing for The Ice Cream Man

Khunum Productions is Sound Designing for

The Ice Cream Man, written by Will Johnson, Directed by Sarah Stites

Playing at the Unchained Theatre Festival

"for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesty,
Above the fruited plain,
But now wait a minute, I'm talking about
America, sweet America…"

Friday, May 22, 2015

Thoughts on the edge.

it's the connection point between object and air.

i've been paying  attention to it for a while--this thing about beauty… what makes an object  beautiful? it's the attention and detail given to the edge. to the  line. on paper--it's the line on a plane---in an open field of space. With an object---it's the way the line touches the invisible. Does it touch it with sensual, graceful, melodic curves…or with  angular thrashes abbreviated and clipped in staccato. i can hear color and i can hear shapes. i hear images… much better than i've ever been able to  hear the beats of music. within images i can hear  and feel numbers like a pianist with notes. truth theorems….

and why is BEAUTY the thing so desired? one of the best compliments to be given and received. What is really being yearned for here? what confirmation is being extended? What is the real honor that has been forgotten?

i'm thinking on this as i write….and coming to realize that it has to do with homage---something much more ethereal and sacred than a case of vanity. it's a touching of the 2 worlds. a presentation of one to the other…. where the physical extends itself to the invisible.  for an artist---the presenter---the hostess---when an image and object is made to exist in this world… it's about being sensitive to how to greet the greatness of the unseen---of the all that surrounds. with shoes? with a bow? a hand shake? with palms together in grace. with the formality of respect. with the softness of a line. with the refinement of the detail. with the sensuality of the edge. With the path and imitation of pi.

Studying and Appreciating the work of Roger Titley

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Work.

I do believe these to be my favorite…most inspiring... presidential words to date:

via humans of new york:

“When is the time you felt most broken?”

“I first ran for Congress in 1999, and I got beat. I just got whooped. I had been in the state legislature for a long time, I was in the minority party, I wasn’t getting a lot done, and I was away from my family and putting a lot of strain on Michelle. Then for me to run and lose that bad, I was thinking maybe this isn’t what I was cut out to do. I was forty years old, and I’d invested a lot of time and effort into something that didn’t seem to be working. But the thing that got me through that moment, and any other time that I’ve felt stuck, is to remind myself that it’s about the work. Because if you’re worrying about yourself—if you’re thinking: ‘Am I succeeding? Am I in the right position? Am I being appreciated?’ --- then you’re going to end up feeling frustrated and stuck. But if you can keep it about the work, you’ll always have a path. There’s always something to be done.”  ~ Barack

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Artist of Life ( Forward)

The path of an artist...

" There are not a great many truly outstanding people who  pass through our lives. These few remarkable people leave a distinct imprint when their chosen path in life happens to cross ours. Indeed, an encounter with an extraordinary human being at a particular confluence in the course of our daily existence may define our destiny."

                                ~ Linde Lee Cadwell 

paper whites

I was recently given a box of paperwhite bulbs.
new to me.
"just put em in a  vase. place on some rocks..and give a tiny bit of water… "
within a day or 2 they began…
some were so eager they began in the box before any external criteria was met…
it's been almost a week…and the green has now begun to climb over the top of the vase.
and with so little needed.
it's good to watch something grow before your eyes.
from seed to bloom.
it's a good reminder of what's needed to grow--to thrive and bloom.
just a sturdy container…something to hold it all vertical.
that's really all its about. just keep VERTICAL..
keep aligned and attuned to the Y axis. ( keep access to the WHY.)
and  a bit of water…
and as the green climbs up
the roots climb down.
it's the same for us….
climbing up… while burrowing in deeper…
to self.
what  really makes the whole operation go down…
is all ready inside.
coded.  packaged with deliberate deisgn.
focus and concentration at its purest.
yes... behold the mighty and powerful seed…for within it..the ALL is contained.