Monday, December 17, 2012

For Fernando...

last week , just as i was about to show up to my own pity party,  I spoke as usual to one of the  gentleman that does custodial duties at my school.

Usually its:
"hi, como estas?
"Bien, y tu? "

But, the other evening i said,
"why am i still seeing you here!? i saw you early this long have you been working?"

He replies "i work from 7 to 12 everyday."
i say, "Well its way past 12--so go home!
He say "i work from 7 am to 12 AM, every day.

"ah!" i scream. "What about your family?  i laugh."Your wife will leave you!"
he say "my wife. she already left me."
 "ah!" i scold. "Because you work tooo much!"

"when she was home, i worked only 40 hrs a week...but since she left... "

"..ah..... oh...." i  realize...
"aaaaha" he says  "You understand.  When i work...there is no time to think or feel or to be lonely.. there is just work."

this sound design homework is for you Fernando, whose wife left in June.
i hope soon to see you  at work....less...and exploring a life that is yours...more.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

excerpts and inspirations for "Analog"... a work in progress..

Matted Hair of woolen sunset haze!  Feet bare on the earth,  Tiny  fist… full of sparklers…runs!!!  she runs and plays  tag with the darkness.

And the night loves that woolen halo like a grandfather's love.  From the porch smiling and rocking.



She was hatched from a shape shifters egg, and the hand that lifted her from it were not the hands of a shape shifter. She was marked with a scent that turns mother birds away  from their babies. Marked with difference.  She will be raised without wings and groomed for a different work.  Bye bye black bird.
