Friday, May 22, 2015

Thoughts on the edge.

it's the connection point between object and air.

i've been paying  attention to it for a while--this thing about beauty… what makes an object  beautiful? it's the attention and detail given to the edge. to the  line. on paper--it's the line on a plane---in an open field of space. With an object---it's the way the line touches the invisible. Does it touch it with sensual, graceful, melodic curves…or with  angular thrashes abbreviated and clipped in staccato. i can hear color and i can hear shapes. i hear images… much better than i've ever been able to  hear the beats of music. within images i can hear  and feel numbers like a pianist with notes. truth theorems….

and why is BEAUTY the thing so desired? one of the best compliments to be given and received. What is really being yearned for here? what confirmation is being extended? What is the real honor that has been forgotten?

i'm thinking on this as i write….and coming to realize that it has to do with homage---something much more ethereal and sacred than a case of vanity. it's a touching of the 2 worlds. a presentation of one to the other…. where the physical extends itself to the invisible.  for an artist---the presenter---the hostess---when an image and object is made to exist in this world… it's about being sensitive to how to greet the greatness of the unseen---of the all that surrounds. with shoes? with a bow? a hand shake? with palms together in grace. with the formality of respect. with the softness of a line. with the refinement of the detail. with the sensuality of the edge. With the path and imitation of pi.

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