Wednesday, February 4, 2015

paper whites

I was recently given a box of paperwhite bulbs.
new to me.
"just put em in a  vase. place on some rocks..and give a tiny bit of water… "
within a day or 2 they began…
some were so eager they began in the box before any external criteria was met…
it's been almost a week…and the green has now begun to climb over the top of the vase.
and with so little needed.
it's good to watch something grow before your eyes.
from seed to bloom.
it's a good reminder of what's needed to grow--to thrive and bloom.
just a sturdy container…something to hold it all vertical.
that's really all its about. just keep VERTICAL..
keep aligned and attuned to the Y axis. ( keep access to the WHY.)
and  a bit of water…
and as the green climbs up
the roots climb down.
it's the same for us….
climbing up… while burrowing in deeper…
to self.
what  really makes the whole operation go down…
is all ready inside.
coded.  packaged with deliberate deisgn.
focus and concentration at its purest.
yes... behold the mighty and powerful seed…for within it..the ALL is contained.

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