Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog Talk Radio Interview: The Power of Writing, Who and What gets Omitted?

Listen to internet radio with The Funky Writer on Blog Talk Radio

"...the difference between the writer and the scribe is that the scribe does so with an agenda..."
                                                                                                          ~Seba Akhmed Azzahir 

From Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man:
" I am an invisible man. No, I am not a trace or a special effect. I have at least a physical referent. I have bone and flesh and sinew and gristle. I have angers and passions. The problem is my intellect. People have a hard time seeing past it. They see my body as if it were just an effect of my mind, a magic-lantern projection, an image cast on a screen by a bright burning bulb. I am invisible, then, not because of some accident of biology, some genetic mishap, but because of a peculiar disposition of the eyes of the people who look at me. They can’t see the machinery in the darkness behind the bulb. Perhaps it is because the pupils in their eyes have narrowed to tiny points (the light is so very bright) and so they cannot focus beyond into the darkness. Although it is often inconvenient and trying, I have learned to adapt to my peculiar circumstances. For although I remain invisible, some people believe they can get a pretty good image of who I am by getting me to respond to words. I suppose they fancy that they know me by what I say. My words become me, I suit them. I am a sort of  sounding board, people bounce words off me and by what comes echoing back to them they know where I stand. People find me by a process of echo-location, and by where I stand they determine who I am. I am my own radar image..."

1 comment:

  1. a self-correction... Judy Blume...and Beverly Cleary! :-)
