Thursday, May 9, 2013

Testing out a New Work... May 16th Dixon Place

A short Solo Pefromance

"...And all of this is the schism....
 between internal nature and external obligation...

This. This Is what it feels like to be obligated to Blackness-- Carbon. 
When your insides are made of Cadmium Orange." 

Artwork by Nehprii Amenii and the Lamp Light on my desk. thank u light!

161 Chrystie St.
East Village, NYC

Thurs, May 16th

6:30-7:30 Drinks, food, performances in the  Lounge
7:30-9:00 Performances in the Theater
9:30-1100 More drinks, more food, more performances in the Lounge

Sunday, May 5, 2013

MP3 onto Blogger ( was determined to figure it out!)

For those struggling with setting up audio consoles within blogger...

not sure what has caused the recent shifts...

but here's what i've figure out--w/ help of the following sites:

step 1:

the above link provides the html language to create the audio console however, you need a hosting site-- an online space to provide a url of the file. i was using fileden...tried several. things got shaky.


step 2:
follow these steps in the link below  to create a google site:

it has perfectly clear instructions...that do the job!  except my sound file still wouldn't play. ???
hope it works for everyone else tho...

but if not: try my rigging of step  1 and 2

use the html code  of : (from step 1)

height="40" loop="true" playcount="2" src="URL of music file" width="300"/>
and insert a link hosted by the google site ( from step 2) 

i've been doing a lot of sound design work/audio editing and so, needed this..but oh my! 
this here above tech- blogging-stuff-- this is my 1st and will be my last! so enjoy it! 

Note to the brilliant minds of google: blogger is your weakest link in your attempt to take over the world.
step it up please. you can do it!