Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This year as Black history month rolls in, and for each additional day and month hereafter, it is refreshing to know that our children, teachers, and parents will have much more available to them regarding the story of African peoples, far beyond Kunta Kinte and Martin Luther King.

Memories of the Little Elephant is a picture book of Diaspora Literature that gives an account of African people from the very beginning of time to the present. It connects all of humanity to one common origin, shows the populating of the Earth via the movement of African people, tells of the building of great nations, and shares the source of all the sciences, mathematics, arts, and medicine now known to the world.

And, As the WHOLE world celebrates the image of an African president being embraced in a justly due light...It only makes sense that it is also time for all to know of and share in a positive re-telling of African history. All should have available to them a narrative that offers a dignified, intelligent and regal account of their identity. One that continues the upliftment of their image and the human spirit.

Below is a link that allows you to view and read Memories of the Little Elephant in its entirety, made available through the International Children's Digital Library.

Please read, enjoy and pass along the gifts of it's teaching to all you know.

Blessings to all!

Nehprii Amenii,
Memories of the Little Elephant

VIEW THE BOOK IN ITS ENTIRETY: The International Children's Digital Library

"The Movement of African People"
Memories of the Little Elephant

Donate a book to Africa Read the whole Book and many more! Sisterhood Agenda!
l A philosophy of color!
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"If you were going to teach your child about their history, where would you begin?"

EDNews: Interview with Nehprii Amenii

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Khunum Productions, P.O. Box 2064 , Radio City Station , New York City, New York 10101 USA 718.924.8779 KhunumProductions@gmail.com
